
How to create Tumbler Video Mockups | Rotating Tumbler Mockups – Step by Step Tutorial

Create stunning rotating tumbler video mockups effortlessly with Photoshop or free alternatives. Bulk generation made easy with Bulkmockup!

Shohidur Rahman
June 4, 2024

In this tutorial, I will show you how to make rotating tumbler video mockups similar to this one.

You’ll also learn – 

  1. Where to get the best looking tumbler video mockups.
  2. How to speed up or slow down the rotation speed of the rotating tumbler mockups.
  3. How to create them in batches to save time.

If you’re more of a visual learner, you can skip this article and watch the video instead.

Where To Get Tumbler Video Mockups

There are many places that sell tumbler video mockups but none of them are as good as the ones in Etsy.

But be careful when buying tumbler video mockups from there. They sell 2 types of video mockups.

  1. Canva based templates
  2. Photoshop based template

Canva based templates might be easier to work with at first, but quality differences can be day and night.

If you examine the edges closely, you’ll notice that the Canva templates lack realism, while the Photoshop templates are incredibly lifelike.

And you don’t need a Photoshop subscription to use the Photoshop templates, you can use free alternatives like Photopea to get the job done.

For this tutorial, we will use Photoshop but you can follow the same process in Photopea.

Creating Tumbler Video Mockups – The Process

Just open the PSD tumbler video mockup file you bought in Photoshop.

Then go to “Windows” and click “Timeline” to get the timeline dialogue box.

If you want to preview the video template, all you have to do is drag the timeline cursor at the start and hit play.

You’ll be able to see the whole video like this after hitting play.

Depending on what video mockup template you bought, you’ll get many options for editing the video.

Like for this video mockup template we bought, we have options to change the background to 6 different styles.

Choose the one that looks good with your design and taste.

The rest of the process is really simple. Just like any other PSD file, double click the smart object layer and it will open a new tab with the design.

For tumbler video templates, that will open another tab with a nested smart object.

Now if you click on the smart object here, you’ll get to the tab where you have to put your design.

In the tab, it says “Your design here”. You have to drag and drop your design file there and click on the checkmark .

Then click “Ctrl+S” to save the file and close the tab. Then go to the previous tab and do the same thing. Click “Ctrl+S” then close the tab.

Your mockup file is ready, now go to File → Export → Render Video

This will pop up the export options. Rename your file and choose where the finished product will be saved. Keep the rest like the image below.

Hit “Render” and your tumbler mockup is done.

How to speed up or slow down the rotation speed of the rotating tumbler mockups

The video here is 7 seconds. Now if you want to increase or decrease the time and rotation speed. Follow the steps below.

On the layers panel, open the “mockup” group, then go to “Tumbler video” and then click “Layer 1”

Then you have to go to the timeline. Here you’ll get the same structure. So follow the same steps.

Mockup → Tumbler Video → Layer 1

Now if you right click on “Layer 1” you’ll get the option for increasing or decreasing the speed of the rotation and video duration.

Now, you can play with the Duration and Speed settings to get your desired result.

Pro tip: Etsy only allows videos of 15 seconds to be uploaded.

Automating The Process for BulK Tumbler Video Generation

The whole process was quite easy and straightforward but it took a lot of time just to make one single tumbler mockup video. To save our time and money, we will automate the process.

For this, we will use our revolutionary software Bulkmockup to create 10 tumbler mockup templates.

Preparation For Bulk Generating Tumbler Video Mockups

First, we need to have 3 different folders for the –  template we bought, the designs we want to use and an export folder where we want to put our finished templates.

Setting Up Bulk Mockup for Tumbler Video Mockups

In the “Main”tab, set up your three folders in the appropriate places in Bulk Mockup. And for the resize method, choose “Fill Canvas / Stretch”.

Then go to the settings and choose the export files as mp4.

That’s it. The whole process is done. Now just click the “Start Generating” button in the “Main” tab and sit back while Bulkmockup will do the rest for you.

After Bulk Mockup is done, open your export folder and you’ll get all your templates ready to be used in there.

final output videos of Bulk Mockup

Shohidur Rahman
Hey, I’m Shohidur, the content guy behind Bulk Mockup. In the past, I ran a print on demand tshirt store, where I learned the nitty gritty of the industry. Being in the industry for 7 years I understand the challenges faced by print on demand entrepreneurs of now. My main goal is to help print on demand sellers through the content I produce for Bulk Mockup.

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