Best and Most Popular Mockup Generator Series |

Discover the comprehensive features and drawbacks of, the leading mockup generator series, to streamline your POD and dropshipping business.

Shohidur Rahman
May 29, 2024
read is the most comprehensive service provider in our best and most popular mockup generator series. Check our comprehensive review to decide if its worth signing up for

They are not just a POD service which provides a free online mockup generator, but they are also a digital assets management system.

Let’s talk about its key features, benefits and potential drawbacks to find out if this service is a good fit for you.

Key Features of is a futuristic looking online app that does everything a POD and dropshipping business owner may ever need.

They didn’t leave anything to chance or third parties, they offered everything.

Let’s talk about some of the key features that this awesome service provider offers.

  • You can make and download mockup files in multiple file format
  • Ability to download files in PSD, which in turn let you use them with Bulk Mockup v3. Which will make this Mydesign service viable even for moderate and big businesses.
  • Their digital asset management system is quite great.
  • Have bulk mockup creation features but with limits. On the pro plan you can do 48 mockups at a time and on the pro plus plan you can do 120. Whereas for only $47/year, with Bulk Mockup v3,you can work on thousands of mockups together and get it done in under 10 minutes.
  • Easy integration with Etsy and Shopify.
  • Bulk upload option for their POD service.
  • Can upload your own custom PSD mockup templates to edit.
  • Comfort color products available for their apparel.
  • Direct Etsy and Shopify publishing.
  • They have a great community where the owners and users can get connected and help each other.

Disadvantages of

As you can see, the list of services provided by is quite long, so naturally, the list of problems can get a bit long too.

Let’s dive into it to see if anything is a dealbreaker for your business.

  • It’s quite an expensive service. They do have a free subscription and $29.99/month subscription available but the limits on those are not good for any POD or Dropshipping business.
  • All their services are not mature. Like they do have a bulk mockup creation option but that comes with limits and lots of bugs. Where you can just use a mature product like Bulk Mockup v3 for $47/year and make mockups in bulk without any limit. Even the speed of their bulk mockup creation is just too slow to be usable. With a mature product like Bulk Mockup v3 you can create more than 400 mockups under two minutes.

  • Their UI looks great but the UX is not that simple. In the highly competitive world of POD and Dropshipping, no one has the time to spend hours just to learn how to use a service.
  • Their service has a history of going down, which is unacceptable in POD and dropshipping business.
  • As not all their offerings are mature, you will frequently face bugs and other issues. API 

Their API and cloud-based Digital Asset Management System enable third-party developers to build apps and services that interface with MyDesigns to cater to the particular requirements of their clients. This benefits MyDesigns and opens up new business prospects for customers and developers. Apps

The company welcomes developers and business owners interested in building apps or integrating services with MyDesigns to get in touch with them via their contact form here.

They are open to new suggestions and constantly seeking ways to make their platform better. 

MyDesigns can better support your project if you describe your concept or service so they can see how they can help. When they respond, they’ll go over how you can collaborate to produce something truly original with you.

Bulk Mockup Creation of

Their bulk editing and batch publishing feature works quite well but their bulk mockup creation process is not for professionals.

We already talked about how the process is slow and has very limits.

But the main issue is, the process is not smooth at all. Plus it’s not easy to use, no matter what experience level.

Where you can get familiar with a powerful mockup generator like Bulk Mockup v3 in just a few minutes, takes much longer.

Just checkout this video we made and you’ll be up and running with Bulk Mockup v3 in a few minutes.

Overall Review of

Despite having all the right intentions, their service still needs to be much more mature before it can be used at any professional level for mockup creation.

If you’re a complete beginner, you can start with services like Placeit or if you need power and speed, you can go with a service like Bulk Mockup v3.

But, it can’t be denied that their service have all the bells and whistle needed to be a complete solution for POD and Dropshipping business owners, it just needs to be much more stable.

Shohidur Rahman
Hey, I’m Shohidur, the content guy behind Bulk Mockup. In the past, I ran a print on demand tshirt store, where I learned the nitty gritty of the industry. Being in the industry for 7 years I understand the challenges faced by print on demand entrepreneurs of now. My main goal is to help print on demand sellers through the content I produce for Bulk Mockup.

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